
3 Neat Hedge Types That Are Easy To Maintain

A hedge is a one of the most well-known types of topiary – the training of living perennial plants by clipping the foliage and twigs of trees, shrubs and subshrubs, to create and to maintain shapes and outlines. Hedges are created for a variety of reasons, such as creating walls, dividers, and to ornament a garden. The types of plants used to create hedges are typically woody, such as hawthorn, yew, privet, Leyland, hemlock, box, oleander, barberry, lavender, arborvitae, holly, and cypress. Premium Pools and Gardens have created a list of the three neat hedge types that are easy to maintain and look stunning in any yard. These include landscape hedges, garden hedges, and privacy hedges


Landscape Hedges

Landscape hedges can do a variety of things to spice up your garden. They can fence off properties, act as a barrier for people and animals, and create secluded areas within a garden. Landscape hedges are quite easy to maintain and can grow in almost every climate and season. These hedges form from trees, bushes, or shrubs that are closely planted in a row. They grow formally and informally; formal hedges are pruned and trimmed geometrically, generally in a rectangular shape. Informal hedges are planted in a simple line and not pruned in any particular style.

Garden Hedges

Garden hedges are able to be grown in almost every climate in the world. They serve many purposes, such as creating a natural looking fence or divider, and can be used as beautiful markers or privacy shields. Garden hedges also protect other plants from outside interference such as humans, and animals who would be tempted to eat the foliage. It can also shelter other more delicate plants from the cold weather.

Privacy Hedges

Privacy hedges are great for blocking out unwanted views and can help add privacy to a small yard. Any plant will work as a privacy hedge, however to maximise privacy, it is important to grow a plant that will grow at least six feet tall with dense foliage. Privacy services are easy to preserve and can last for a large number of years. They may need a bit of maintenance work, however they can often work as better windbreakers than fences.

It is always better to trim your hedges during spring, although you can do two trims during the summer, one at the beginning and one at the end. Always use regularly maintained tools to trim your hedges, such as hedge shears, and make sure you use serrated blades for heavier branches, and lopping shears for thicker ones. When trimming, start from the top and work your way down, making sure you have cut everything evenly, and have fertilised the hedge when you’re finished.

Hedges are a popular and attractive way to enclose your garden. These three hedges are the most popular and easy to maintain. Is your garden lacking privacy? Does it need a little spicing up? Start growing your hedge today!

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