
10 Tips For Growing Painted Leaf Begonias

Begonia rex, sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, is one of the most beautiful and also “dramatic” plants. Owners of begonias know that this plant will not fail to let you know that they are in need of water, light, soil, or if they don’t like their condition.

Painted Leaf Begonias
Image by Canva Pro

Growing painted leaf begonias is easy, if you know the basics. Because they are primarily foliage plants, they require careful cultivation to achieve their full beauty.

With proper care, painted leaf begonia could grow up to 24 inches tall with leaf sizes growing up to 9 inches long. They have beautiful multicolored leaves with pink, red, silver, or purple shades in the inner portion.

Tips In Growing Painted Leaf Begonia

Here we listed 10 tips to growing painted leaf begonia:

1. Painted leaf begonias enjoy bright indirect light. They’re not really aggressive bloomers so they can still thrive under low light conditions. Some can even live under fluorescent lights, making them ideal indoor plants.

2. Regular watering is enough for begonias. Be careful not to overwater, especially the leaves since it might lead to powdery mildew. These plants thrive in humidity but don’t let their soil become excessively dry. Water the soil just enough to make it evenly moist.

3. Rex begonias are considered rhizome plants. It’s best to grow them in large, relatively shallow pots so they have enough space to spread and grow.

4. Begonias cannot tolerate strong fertilizers. You need to dilute fertilizers in ¼ of the recommended amount and only give them every 2 weeks so it’ll not damage the plant. The best time to put fertilizers is during springtime.

5. Painted leaf begonias have trouble adjusting to temperature changes. They grow the healthiest at average to warm temperatures. When the temperature starts dropping under 60 degrees Fahrenheit, this plant can become extremely sensitive.

6. Take extra effort to remove withered leaves to encourage growth of new leaves. Some remove the flowers as they may take the nutrients away from the leaves.

7. When you notice “root rot”, it means the begonias have been overwatered. Trim the rotted roots and lessen the water you give to the plant.

8. Dried leaves mean the plant needs more water. You need to moisten the soil more.

9. Dried brittle leaves mean your begonia needs more humidity and better air circulation.

10. If your begonias aren’t growing, it could mean they need more nutrients. You need to pot them in a nutrient-rich soil to keep it healthy.

There you have it! These are just some of the care tips you can do to ensure your painted leaf begonias grow healthy and beautiful.

If you’re interested in plants, you can read about the top plants that can repel mosquitoes. There also plants that can repel snakes.

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