
10 Ways To Care For Snake Plants

Snake plants are among those low-maintenance plants that even a lazy person can keep alive. These plants have become popular because they help purify your house’s air quality. At the same time, their striking lines and hardiness could easily add an aesthetic to your house. But how do you take care of these “chill” indoor plants? We’ll show you 10 ways how.

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10 Ways To Care For Snake Plants

1. Go For Dark Green Leaves

When you’re still buying your snake plants for the first time, choose the one with the dark green color. Light-green or pale-colored leaves indicate faltering.

2. Choose a Well-Draining Mix

For the soil, use a well-draining potting mix. Snake plants grow well in potting mixes designed for cacti and succulents to avoid root rot.

3. Don’t Overwater

These low-maintenance plants seem to grow fast when you don’t look after them. So, don’t overdo the watering. It’s best to allow the soil to dry between waterings. During winter, take extra care not to overwater. When you water, pour directly on the soil and try to avoid getting the leaves wet, as this could lead to mold.

To know if it’s time to water, stick your finger or a wooden stick a couple inches into the soil to check for moisture. If you feel any moisture on your finger or see soil sticking to the chopstick, it’s still not time to water.

4. Use Pots With Drainage Holes

Like caring for succulents and cactus, snake plants need terra-cotta pots or containers with drainage holes. These type of plants can be prone to root rot. To avoid this, allow the excess water to drain and not soak the roots.

5. Indirect Sunlight

Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light, but they can tolerate some direct sunlight as well. They do, however, grow well in shady corners and other low-light areas of the house. Truly, ideal low-maintenance indoor plants.

6. Be Careful When Re-potting

Snake plants often don’t need re-potting. They tend to grow better when pot-bound. Since they’re rhizomes, it’s best to use a big pot so they can grow well.

7. Propagate by Leaf Cuttings

If you wish to propagate your snake plants, you can do so through leaf cuttings. Simply cut 2 to 3-inch pieces of the leaf and plant them about 1 inch deep in snake plant soil. Plant cuttings facing up, in the same direction that they were growing.

8. Humidity

Maintain a warm environment for the plant, with temperatures above 50°F (10°C). Protect it from drafty windows in the winter.

9. Hold Off On The Fertilizer

These slow-growing plants rarely need any fertilizer. But if you notice pale leaves, you can give fertilizer twice a year. The best time to feed your snake plants is during the spring and summer.

10. Keep It Away From Dust

Dust collects on the large, flat leaves, so wipe them down with a damp cloth as needed.

Snake plants may be the ideal low-maintenance indoor plants you need.  However, these tough plants still need some love and care. Plants not only add appeal to your house, but they also improve your mood and good for your mental health. Try to care for more plants like orchids, painted-leaf begonias, and more.

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